
on Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

The season of dancing, powdered snow always passes us by
Even lost in the crowd, we're gazing at the same sky
The blowing wind chills us in a similar way
I probably don't know everything about you
Yet, out of a hundred million people I found you
And though there is no basis for it, I seriously feel this way
We can't be together
Without quarreling over trivial things
If we're unable to be honest with each other,
Sadness and even happiness are worthless
If the powdered snow has dyed our hearts white
Could we have shared our loneliness?
With my ear pressed up close to your heart
I want to descend quietly into the depths where its voice leads me
Let's meet there again, one more time
I had wanted us to understand each other
But it was I who had merely brushed the surface
Even though, just tightly grasping your hand numb with cold
We were connected
Facing eternity, the powdered snow is too fragile
Falling upon the coarse asphault it stains the surface
Powdered snow, you know, sometimes I'm unreliable and my heart quivers
Nevertheless, I want to continue to protect you
If the powdered snow has dyed our hearts white
Our loneliness will be engulfed and returned to the sky (Remioromen)

Just have found this lyric in my friend's note *sorry for not saying i copy it :p*
have to download the song!
this song is one litre of tears's OST :'( *dorama that successfully makes me waste one litre of tears, haha XD*
hmm, lovely dorama, lovely song *i've just known the song means today -..-*

If we're unable to be honest with each other,
Sadness and even happiness are worthless

be honest, it really hard.

powdered snow? beautiful crystallize water
even the cold water can make a beautiful form :)

horchruft! \(^.^)/

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